Banking and financial services

Finance (loans, credits and other financing facilities, leasing, factoring, syndicated transactions, FX, securitisation, etc.)


We provide specialized legal advice in all the usual areas of banking and financial practice.


►Banking products and services:

  • Finance (loans, credits and other financing facilities, leasing, factoring, syndicated transactions, FX, securitisation, etc.)
  • Derivatives
  • Structured products (deposits, finance, etc.)
  • Foreign trade transactions
  • Payment services

►Financial markets:

  • Financial and investment products
  • Listing of fixed-income and equity-based securities on regulated markets (MAB, MARF, etc.)
  • Tender offers and takeover bids
  • Complex financial negotiations and transactions

►Investments in financial and real estate assets:

  • Transfer of credit portfolios
  • Investments in real estate, both for the investor’s own use or management
  • Asset restructuring

►Refinancing of debt and advice on pre-insolvency and insolvency proceedings

►Handling of claims related to financial products

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