Change of registered office, Company law, Media, Articles of association amendment
“The Confidential” consults the firm Legal Field, and his partner-director Ramon Hernandez, on the problem. ... 
Change of registered office, Company law, Media, Articles of association amendment
Participation of Ramón Hernández, partner-director of Legal Field, commenting on the economic situation in Catalonia https://www.ivoox.com/mercado-abierto-claves-economicas-16-00-17-00-audios-mp3_rf_21482894_1.html 
Change of registered office, Company law, Media, Articles of association amendment
Telemadrid asked LEGALFIELD, CONSULTORES Y ABOGADOS about the exodus of business in Catalonia. Ramón Hernández Peñasco in the minute 33:37 of Telenoticias. http://www.telemadrid.es/programas/telenoticias-1/telenoticias-1-06102017 
Change of registered office, Company law, Media, Articles of association amendment
The managing partner of LEGALFIELD, CONSULTANTS AND LAWYERS, Ramón Hernández, participated in the economic gathering of the “24 horas” program of Radio Nacional De España on companies in Catalonia. From the 30th minute.... 
Change of registered office, Company law, Media, Articles of association amendment
Onda Cero interviews Ramón Hernández Peñasco from LEGALFIELD, CONSULTANTS AND LAWYERS about the business exodus in Catalonia. From the min. 23:30 ... 
Change of registered office, Company law, Media, Articles of association amendment
Legal and jurisprudential analysis of the fiscal and social domicile transfer in Spain (also published on November 8, 2017 at Expansión, paper version). Implicaciones legales del cambio de domicilio de las empresas...